A Brand New Day

First off, I was alerted that the comment function was not working properly. I think I managed to fix it. However, I won’t know until a comment appears!

I had great plans yesterday! I was going to write a post reviewing the book that inspired me to write this blog. Then, while I was at work I found out that my June Owl Crate had arrived at my house! Obviously, that was way more exciting.

New plan! My very first unboxing post! Then I realized there was a major flaw in the new plan. I don’t actually know how to upload photos to wordpress yet. Bummer.

So instead, I turned off the computer instead of finishing this post and slumped around the house totally bored.

Enter today. I’m still not sure what I want this post to consist of. But I do know I should write something at least in order to start a good habit.

Sometimes I get so sucked into a book I can’t put it down until I finish it. Other times, I’m easily distracted. This seems to be one of those times. Last week I was reading Need by Joelle Charbonneau. I really like the book. It’s very intense and suspenseful. About halfway through I caught myself trying to spoil the ending for myself because it was so suspenseful. So I made myself put it down. Instead I picked up Geekerella by Ashley Poston. I read it in a day or two. A very enjoyable fluffy and cute read. I actually plan to review it soon. Then I picked up an indie sci fi release called Chasing Shadows. I was flying through it. And then I just stopped. Set it down, and haven’t been able to get into anything else since. I do this every so often. Burn myself out on books. So, I picked up The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner. A book I’m very excited to read. I read two pages. Last night I opened the book that came in my owl crate right before bed. I read a chapter and turned out the lights.

Today, I think I found a book that can get me out of my slump. On Friday my coworker handed me a book she had just finished that she thought I might enjoy. It’s called My Darling Melissa by Linda Lael Miller. Yes. The book that is holding my attention long enough to get me out of this dreary reading slump is a Pocket Books romance novel.

So, to test the commenting function out, what are you reading right now? When you are in a slump, how do you get out of it?